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Green Space Skills Hub Resources

Discover the latest updates about the Green Space Skills Hub and news across the sector

Growing Futures

Growing Futures

Growing Futures In 2023 the Green Space Skills Hub released the Sector Report exploring the perceptions and challenges of the green space sector. Since then we have been connecting with women...
Build Your Career in Horticulture – 5 Week Course

Build Your Career in Horticulture – 5 Week Course

Join our 5-week Horticulture Training Programme to grow a career in green spaces! Receive employability coaching and gain work experience plus a guaranteed interview with leading green space employers who...
Emma’s Story: Gardeners are at the Forefront of Climate Resilience

Emma’s Story: Gardeners are at the Forefront of Climate Resilience

Emma’s Story: Gardeners are at the Forefront of Climate Resilience Our first Spotlight Story features Emma McNamara, National Development Specialist for Horticulture at the National Trust. Emma tells us about...
Introducing the Green Space Skills Hub Spotlight Series

Introducing the Green Space Skills Hub Spotlight Series

Introducing the Green Space Skills Hub Spotlight Series As Green Careers has now ended for another year, and we bring our Force of Nature campaign to a close, we want...
3 Tips for Hiring Great Candidates in Green Space Jobs: Attract, Recruit and Retain Talent

3 Tips for Hiring Great Candidates in Green Space Jobs: Attract, Recruit and Retain Talent

3 Tips for Hiring Great Candidates in Green Space Jobs: Attract, Recruit and Retain Talent Hiring for green space roles can be a rewarding yet challenging task, requiring a thoughtful...
How the Green Space Skills Hub Can Support You in Your Career Journey

How the Green Space Skills Hub Can Support You in Your Career Journey

How the Green Space Skills Hub Can Support You in Your Career Journey The Green Space sector is expanding rapidly, with an ever-growing demand for professionals who can tackle climate...
Press Release: Green Space Skills Hub Report Bridges the Gap between London’s Unemployment, Green Jobs and Climate Mitigation

Press Release: Green Space Skills Hub Report Bridges the Gap between London’s Unemployment, Green Jobs and Climate Mitigation

Green Space Skills Hub Report Bridges the Gap between London’s Unemployment, Green Jobs and Climate Mitigation In response to the sector perception report, the Green Space Skills Hub is promoting...
Explainer – Understanding Job Adverts

Explainer – Understanding Job Adverts

Using a Grounds Maintenance Operative role as an example, we'll unpick what employers mean when they use certain words and phrases. We'll also talk about why having the right attitude...
Find your Dream Career in Green Spaces

Find your Dream Career in Green Spaces

Find your Dream Career in Green Space Use the below resource to inspire your next move to accomplish your dream career in green space.  Whether you’re looking for a new...